
Posted 28-09-2020
AAEH Media Release: Training program launched to help Australian communities end homelessness

A new, public training and webinar series has been launched by the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness (AAEH) to help communities across the country end homelessness.

The webinar series is a first of its kind in Australia and aims to inform and equip individuals, communities and organisations with the tools necessary to end homelessness across the country.

Posted 13-08-2020
Ground Zero

A move to learn the names and stories of the homeless is driving a bid to cut Adelaide's rough sleeper numbers to effectively nothing.

Posted 13-08-2020
UniSA brings industry expertise and research together to strive for zero homelessness

“There’s no doubt that homelessness is a complex and multilayered issue, impacted by many factors. But despite common misconceptions, the scale of homelessness is both preventable and solvable; it’s all about priorities.

Take Australia’s response to the pandemic, for example. In the first eight weeks of the Covid-19 crisis, organisations connected to the AAEH have supported more than 5000 people sleeping rough – or at immediate risk of sleeping rough – into temporary shelter. This sort of response shows that we’re able to make immediate change, if we need to. The issue is ensuring we hold onto the change for the long term.” Pearson says.

Posted 10-08-2020
Veterans Homelessness is Readily and Rapidly Solvable!

Homelessness has been an issue for so long many see it as a normal feature of everyday life - intractable, inevitable, unfixable. But despite the common misconception, the scale of veteran's homelessness in Australia is both preventable and solvable.

Posted 04-08-2020
If not now, when?

COVID-19 has made visible the extent of couch surfing and rough sleeping in Australia, and brought about an increase in homelessness as more people are faced with unemployment and the loss of income. We need to commit to giving our most vulnerable a home, writes Karyn Walsh, CEO Micah Projects and AAEH Chair.

Posted 31-07-2020
AAEH Media Release: Calls on federal government for a HomeSeeker package as rough sleepers start falling back into homelessness

On any given night, approximately 8,200 people are sleeping rough in Australia – during the COVID-19 response, an estimated 7,000 people have been temporarily sheltered.

Ahead of Homelessness Week, the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness is calling on the Federal Government for an urgent comprehensive and nationally coordinated Rough Sleeping Homelessness Pandemic Response Plan - or put more simply a HomeSeeker package - to end rough sleeping homelessness in Australia for good.

Posted 28-07-2020
AAEH Media Release: Homelessness sector call for ‘HomeSeeker Package’ – COVID-19 Rough Sleeping Responses

The homelessness sector has united to discuss the impacts, efforts and positive outcomes over the past 20 weeks in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and called on a ‘HomeSeeker Package’ to end rough sleeping homelessness in Australia for good.

Posted 22-07-2020
Open Letter to the Prime Minster

On Wednesday 22 July 2020 the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness sent an Open Letter to the Prime Minister with an unprecedented call for action from Australian governments on COVID-19 and rough sleeping homelessness. Read the letter here.

Posted 22-07-2020
AAEH Media Release: Unprecedented call for action from Australian governments on COVID-19 and rough sleeping homelessness

A broad cross section of organisations across Australia have called on the Commonwealth, state and territory governments to take urgent action to ensure the people who were sleeping rough are not forced back out onto the street after being sheltered from COVID-19.