Communities of practice (CoPs) are sustained learning partnerships among people who share a passion for what they do and are dedicated to improving through regular interaction. At the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness, our Advance to Zero (AtoZ) Communities of Practice (CoPs) foster collaboration, celebrate achievements and share knowledge to drive meaningful progress in the movement to end homelessness.
Advance to Zero Improvement Community of Practice
- Community learning and updates: A space for AtoZ communities to connect, share updates, and learn from each other.
- Celebrating successes and collaboration: Highlighting achievements, exchanging resources, and enhancing collective efforts to overcome challenges.
- Knowledge sharing and problem-solving: Capturing valuable insights and offering problem-solving support for communities engaged in or exploring the Advance to Zero movement.
Who: Open to all members of the AtoZ community and anyone interested in joining the movement.
Cadence: Bi-monthly meetings rotating between Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Advance to Zero Data Community of Practice
- Community learning and updates: A platform for AtoZ members to share updates, exchange insights and discuss using data effectively to end homelessness.
- Enhancing systems and collaboration: Refining universal data queries, sharing systems insights and improving processes like service coordination and reporting.
- Knowledge sharing and problem-solving: Identifying opportunities for database enhancements, capturing key insights and leveraging data to address challenges and drive progress.
Who: Open to all AtoZ community team members, with a particular focus on data leads.
Cadence: Monthly meetings.
Get involved
We welcome everyone passionate about ending homelessness to join these Communities of Practice. Whether you're already part of the Advance to Zero movement or considering getting involved, there’s a place for you here.
Contact us at to learn more or to join our next meeting.