Summit Week Program 2024

Welcome to the full program of events for the week of the Summit. Below, you will find detailed agendas for each day, including all the sessions and activities. Please note:

  • + Each event is ticketed individually: If you’ve only registered for a specific event, you will only have access to that session.
  • + Registration for all events is now closed: If you have not registered for a particular event, you will not be able to attend. If you are unsure whether you've registered, please search your emails for a ticket from Humanitix or contact
  • + Summit breakout rooms: If you are attending the Summit, please note that the early afternoon sessions will be held in breakout rooms. Please review the schedule in advance and consider which sessions you'd like to attend to ensure the day flows smoothly. Breakout session attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis and is not guaranteed if a session is full before you arrive.

Simply click on the accordions below to view the schedule for each day.

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  • + - Day 1: Local government workshop – Tuesday, October 15 2024

    Event location: Esplanade Hotel, Island Suite (Level 1)

    8:30am-9:05am Registrations
    9:05am-9:10am Introduction: What local government can do to end homelessness

    Leanne Mitchell

    9:10am-9:15am Lived experience welcome

    Al Connolly

    9:15am-9:25am Setting the scene: The Australian Alliance to End Homelessness and Advance to Zero

    David Pearson

    9:25am-9:30am Introduction to Learning Sessions

    4x Rapid Learning Sessions

    KNOW your homelessness situation
    • Data
    • By-name lists
    • Service coordination
    • Strategy and engagement

    A conversation with:

    George Hatvani, Melbourne Zero

    Anna Lockwood, Byron Shire Council

    9:50am-10:10am LEAD the narrative and drive collaboration
    • Community partnerships
    • Managing public spaces
    • Communications and advocacy

    A conversation with:

    Lorraine McGrath, Simon Community Scotland

    Tim Hartland, City of Mandurah

    10:10am-10:30am ORGANISE your approach and your workforce
    • Internal partnerships
    • Specialist roles
    • Making homelessness everybody's business

    A conversation with:

    Selina Tually, Flinders University

    Mary-Jane Rigby, City of RockinghamDene Lawrence, City of Vincent

    10:30am-10:50am ACT to prevent and end homelessness
    • Encampment response
    • Prevention from a local government perspective

    A conversation with:

    Iain De Jong, OrgCode Consulting

    Mayor Hannah Fitzhardinge, City of Fremantle
    Michael Piu, St. Pat's

    10:50am-11:00am Morning tea
    11:00am-11:20am Large group reflections and discussion
    11:20am-11:50am Small group table discussions

    Know | Lead | Organise | Act

    11:50am-12:00pm Closing reflections and finish off individual plans
    12:00pm Lunch and networking
  • + - Day 2: Australian Zero Homelessness Summit – Wednesday, October 16 2024
    Event location: Esplanade Hotel, Southern Cross Gala Ballroom (Ground Floor)

    Early morning sessions

    Sponsored by Ruah

    8:00am-8:30am Registrations
    8:40am-8:50am Official Welcome to Country
    Dr Gerrard Shaw, Whadjuk Balladong Yued Elder
    8:50am-9:00am Welcome and Event Admin

    Master of Ceremonies (MC): Debra Zanella

    9:00am-9:15am Official Welcome

    Hon John Carey BA MLA

    9:15am-9:35am Lived Expertise Address

    Dr Gregory P. Smith

    9:40am-10:00am State of the Movement Address

    David Pearson

    10:00am-10:40am Morning tea

    Sponsored by St Bart's

    Mid-morning sessions

    Sponsored by MercyCare

    10:40am-11:45am Advance to Zero Lightning Round Panel with Iain De Jong
    11:50am-12:30pm Keynote #1: Rosanne Haggerty – Community Solutions
    Ending Homelessness and Permanent Supportive Housing
    12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch

    Sponsored by Lotterywest, City of Fremantle and the Department of Communities

    Early afternoon sessions

    Breakout sessions

    1:30pm-2:10pm Room 1 (Orion): Skilling Up

    Sponsored by Anglicare

    Getting Started with Advance to Zero/Action Planning

    Room 2 (Pleiades): Sharing Out

    Sponsored by Mission Australia

    Empowering Lived Expertise in Efforts to End Homelessness

    Room 3 (Sirius): Action Labs – Problem-Solving

    Sponsored by Micah Projects

    Building an Australian Permanent Supportive Housing System

    Room 4 (Garden & Carnac, Island Suite, Level 1): Sharing Out – WA Focus
    Sponsored by AccordWest

    WA Regional Highlights

    2:10pm-2:20pm Transition to next breakout sessions
    2:20pm-3:00pm Room 1 (Orion): Skilling Up

    Sponsored by Housing Choices WA

    Housing First and Ending Homelessness

    Room 2 (Pleiades): Sharing Out

    Sponsored by Neami National

    Improvement, Health and Ending Homelessness

    Room 3 (Sirius): Action Labs – Problem-Solving

    Sponsored by CSNet

    Cultural Engagement and Ending Homelessness

    Room 4 (Garden & Carnac, Island Suite, Level 1): Sharing Out – WA Focus
    Sponsored by AccordWest

    From Collective Impact to Systems Change: WAAEH Strategy Case Study

    3:00pm-3:30pm Afternoon tea
    Sponsored by Vinnies WA

    Late afternoon sessions

    Sponsored by St. Patrick's Community Support Centre

    3:30pm-3:50pm Keynote #2: Lorraine McGrath – Simon Community Scotland
    Insights from Scotland's approach to homelessness
    3:50pm-4:20pm Panel discussion: Prevent, Reduce and End: Where to From Here?
    Facilitated by Kelly Nelson, Community Solutions

    • Rosanne Haggerty
    • Lorraine McGrath
    • Iain De Jong
    • Debra Zanella
    • David Pearson
    4:25pm-4:55pm Wrap-up session
    Advance to Zero community milestones celebration
    Address from Hannah Fitzhardinge, Mayor of Fremantle
    4:55pm-5:00pm Close

    Summit networking event

    Sponsored by Uniting WA

    5:30pm-7:30pm Harbourside - Little Creatures
    Please note: This is an optional ticketed event separate to the Summit. Allocation has been exhausted and no tickets will be available on the door. If you are unsure whether you have registered, please see AAEH staff on the day or contact
  • + - Day 3: Advance to Zero Learning Session (Improvement Cycle 11) – Thursday, October 17 2024

    Event location: Esplanade Hotel, Island Suite (Level 1)

    Sponsored by Neami National

    8:00am-9:00am Registrations
    9:00am-9:45am Welcome, Intentions/Commitments & Agenda
    1. Acknowledgement of Country
    2. Welcome from David Pearson
    3. Setting our intentions
    4. Agenda
    5. Team activity
    9:45am-10:25am Encampments – Iain De Jong

    10:25am-10:30am Explanation of Learning Block Rooms

    10:30am-10:45am Morning tea

    Learning Block #1

    10:45am-12:15pm Room 1 (Rottnest): Skilling Up

    Beyond the Governance Triangle: Driving System Change for Local and Regional Impact

    Room 2 (Garden): Sharing Out

    By-Name List: Empowering Champions and Elevating Data for Change
    Room 3 (Carnac): Advancing Your Approach

    Embedding Aboriginal Housing First in AtoZ Communities
    12:15pm-12:30pm Team time
    Goal: Time to integrate information from community presentations with your team!
    12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch

    Learning Block #2

    10:45am-12:15pm Room 1 (Rottnest): Skilling Up

    Innovations & Lessons: Strengthening AtoZ Service Coordination
    Room 2 (Garden): Sharing Out

    Wicked Problems & Messy Data: Using Homelessness Evaluation Data to Drive Change
    Room 3 (Carnac): Advancing Your Approach

    Global Lessons, Local Impact: Key Learnings from Built for Zero
    3:00pm-3:30pm Team time
    Goal: Time to integrate information from community presentations with your team!
    3:30pm-3:45pm Afternoon tea
    3:45pm-4:00pm Pen Pal Activity
    4:00pm-4:15pm AAEH Updates
    Provide an update on the database/AHVTT and what the plan for AtoZ is over the next 12 months.
    4:15pm-4:30pm AAR and Close-Out
    Understand what worked, what didn't and what could be improved upon from the whole group.
  • + - Day 4: AHVTT training – Friday, October 18 2024

    Event location: Esplanade Hotel, Island Suite (Level 1)

    Sponsored by Social Futures, Ruah, Micah Projects, OrgCode Consulting and Lotterywest

    8:00am-8:30am Registrations
    8:30am-10:00am AHVTT 'train the trainer' session
    Invite only
    10:00am-10:30am Morning tea
    10:30am-1:00pm AHVTT training for front line workers (ticketed event)

    Iain De Jong

  • + - Sponsors