
Posted 28-11-2022
November update

A few quick updates from AAEH, including recent news stories, our Homelessness Summit wrap-up and details about a new Chief Operating Officer position.

Posted 07-11-2022
Australian Zero Homelessness Summit resources

Thank you to all who attended the inaugural Australian Zero Homelessness Summit in October 2022. The week showcased the very possible systemic strategies that have ended homelessness internationally so communities can duplicate this success here in Australia.

As mentioned in the International Discussion Panel, the following resources might be of use:

All presentations from our speakers and panellists have been uploaded to a collated folder here:

We have also uploaded all of the photos taken at the conference to a Dropbox folder. Please feel free to share them on your social media using the hashtags #homelessnessissolvable and #zerosummit22:

Posted 22-08-2022
AtoZ Campaign Briefing wrap-up

Didn't get a chance to attend our AtoZ briefing? We've attached all the materials from the day in the email below.

Posted 11-07-2022
Australian Zero Homelessness Summit update

Early-bird registrations are now open for the inaugural Australian Zero Homelessness Summit.

Posted 09-05-2022
Newsletter #1 2022: May

Catch up on updates from our communities around Australia in the first AAEH newsletter of 2022.

Posted 22-12-2021
Newsletter #4 2021: December

In our last newsletter of the year, we reflect on 2021 and share some recent achievements.

Posted 30-08-2021
Newsletter #3 2021: August

To say it's been a jam-packed few months is an understatement. Catch up on key updates, achievements and opportunities in our latest newsletter.

Posted 06-05-2021
Newsletter #2 2021: May

The last few months have seen some major developments and achievements both at home and internationally that may assist you in supporting your community's efforts to end homelessness.

Posted 22-01-2021
Newsletter #1 2021: January

After a challenging 2020, we are excited to be able to kick off the new year with a renewed focus on ending homelessness in Australia – one person and one community at a time!